One of the most common questions that a wedding photographer gets asked nowadays is – how can I relax and look amazing in my photos? Assisting people in the process of surfacing what they love about themselves, their better side and perfect features is a job that should only be left in the hands of a professional.
If your big day is just around the corner, and you are camera shy, or your partner thinks they don’t look good in photos, is it time to intervene! Today we will share some tips on how to walk with confidence, guaranteeing you will look great in your wedding photos. This is a must for those who might be struggling, so keep on reading!
1. Choose your outfit, hair, and makeup very wisely
First and foremost, when it comes to looking good in your wedding photos, the first thing you need to focus on is – actually looking good! Take your time and see whichever style would suit you best when it comes to the attire. The hair and the makeup are a must too. Find a palette that would look flattering on you and avoid overdoing your hair. This should set you on the right path to some amazing wedding photos.
2. Location and light
Naturally, both you and your partner wish to look great in your wedding photos. This is why a flattering location is something you have to focus on. When the photographer is taking the pictures, they will need to deal with lighting. That is why it is always better to choose a place where the lighting will be good, so they can focus on getting your best side!
3. Trust your photographer
If you want to look great in your wedding photos, the first thing you need to focus on is trusting your photographer and building a great relationship with them. Once that is established, and you are nurturing an honest and clear communication, you should have no issues looking photogenic on your wedding day. One way to do it is by having multiple conversations prior to the wedding. Through sharing multiple ideas and believing in their approach, you will feel relaxed and confident in their presence.
4. Relax and sleep well
Knowing that you have such an amazing professional by your side when it comes to the pictures, you should have no trouble sleeping at night. On the night before the wedding, make sure to get some rest and prepare yourself for the big day tomorrow! Looking good in your wedding photos is a must (after all, it is your most memorable event), so being well-rested can assist you in achieving that goal.
5. Get out of your mind and keep it light and natural
We have saved the toughest one for last! When faced with a challenge, people sometimes tend to go overboard in their minds and feel like they cannot do their best. Well, we are here to tell you to relax! If you are determined to look great in your wedding photos, then the last thing you need to do before the shooting is to give yourself some relaxing time. Take a deep breath, and even if you are camera shy, remember that you are not going to be in front of it forever, just for a short period. Remember that this is your wedding day and that you should probably relax your body. Breathe in, breathe out, and let the session begin!
There are always some people who naturally look good in photographs, and the main reason for that is because they have most likely found some additional tips and tricks on how to look good when taking a picture. It is as simple as that. So, if you want to be photogenic on your wedding day, try following some of these simple tips below:
Smile with your eyes
Tyra Banks in America’s Next Top Model was not joking, and neither are we – try smiling (this is smiling with your eyes). It will do wonders for you.
Look away from the camera
This comes as a golden rule especially if you are one of those people who are camera shy. It is okay to look away instead of directly at the camera. Look at your partner instead.
Hold something
If you haven’t got the clue about what to do with your arms, feel free to hold something – your bouquet maybe? You can hold your partner’s hands in yours, or hold the rings.
Check for your best angles
This one requires a bit of practice but if you want to look great in your wedding photos, then try to find your angle by looking at yourself in the mirror. See if that will work for you and strike a natural pose!
Relax your facial muscles
As silly as this may seem, if you want to be photogenic on your wedding day, relaxing your muscles is a must. Just be aware that you, as anyone else in the world, are making faces constantly and subconsciously, so try to control that for only a short bit.
Finally, kiss
Keep close to your partner, embrace or just – kiss! It is the most intimate moment that could be caught on camera on your wedding day, so if you believe it is going to look good, give your partner a little kiss. It will be such a nice picture to have!
When a wedding is in full swing, and it is time for the photographer to make the most out of the photoshoot, thanks to these tips, you and your partner will look great in your wedding photos. Simply remember that sometimes the photographer needs some assistance from you to get the most out of the situation. So relax, try not to think about your next step so much, and enjoy yourself! We are certain that the pictures will turn out better than you expected.
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